Nhm nghi can ny c t bit danh l "Bng Cp Chesapeake" v iu tra vin tin rng cn nh trn ng Chesapeake trong khu West Adams ca Los Angeles l ni nhm ny t tp. La Decifrazione dei Geroglifici Here, LACMA looks to the myriad inspirations behind the dressmaking with a display of McQueen garments alongside inspirational artwork from the museums own collection. For more information: exhibitions.kelsey.lsa.umich.edu/graffitielkurru/index.php, The Giant Heroes of Monte Prama: Recovering Ancient Sardinian Heritage, 15 April 202215 April 2023 Staatliche Antikensammlungen (Time of Pharahos), Open until 12 March 2023 Avenches, For more information:www.aventicum.org/fr/musee-romain/exposition-temporaire, Entre deux eaux. I Mean Me. Boston, For more information: https://www.mfa.org/exhibition/cy-twombly-making-past-present, The Good Life: Collecting Late Antique Art at the Met, 24 May 20217 May 2023 The Israel Museum Santa Monica, LOS ANGELES. Upcoming Exhibitions | LACMA - Los Angeles County Museum of Art Garrett Bradley: American Rhapsody + Judith F. Baca: The World Wall + Tala MadaniThe Geffen Contemporary at MOCA; Sept 10, 2022Feb 20, 2023. Help us make our Exposition Park museum, and our L.A. community, a place where everyone can discover nature, science, and culture. Available for download at: www.smb.museum/fileadmin/website/Museen_und_Sammlungen/Bode_Museum/Ausstellungen/Der_zweite_Blick/Frauen/Bode-Museum-Der-Zweite-Blick-Frauen-Katalog-en-MedRes.pdf, For more information: www.smb.museum/en/museums-institutions/bode-museum/exhibitions/the-second-glance/women/, Abenteuer am Nil. Its a fun, visceral wonderland created by 14 curated artists with a focus on mental health. SF exhibit gives firsthand look at Egyptian mummies Tickets to this sci-fi striptease are available here! Roman Coins Tell), 2 December 2022 8 October 2023 Including ones that feature a major fashion designer, a local muralist and overlooked filmmakers. Columbia University -. Brugge in het jaar 1000 Another mummy, also from Egypt, was found to have a number of teeth stuffed in a head cavity. Exhibitions at the Natural History Museum Starting January 5, Yayoi Kusamas Infinity Mirrored RoomThe Souls of Millions of Light Years Away will reopen at theBroad after a nearly two-year absence, and youll now be able to book an advance reservation to see itand spend a few extra seconds inside. Houston, For more information:www.hmns.org/exhibits/special-exhibitions/king-tuts-tomb-discovery-experience/, Figures from the Fire: J. Pierpont Morgans Ancient Bronzes at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, 2 March 20237 January 2024 (Ave Caesar! Rome, For more information: www.museicapitolini.org/en/node/1008893, Arte E Sensualit Nelle Case Di Pompei Neither Here Nor There . (Byzantium. Paris, Curators: Hlne Bouillon, Jeanne-Thrse Bontinck, Caroline Tureck, Yal Pignol, For more information: www.louvrelens.fr/exhibition/animaux-fantastiques-2/, 8 February 20238 May 2023 'Mummies: New Secrets From the Tombs' Where: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles When: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, through Jan. 18 Tickets: $22. The Immersive King Tut experience brings Egypt to Los Angeles! To be clear,the map wont grant you access inside of each home, but it will help you set an itinerary for gawking at them from the sidewalk (and you can pair each with some suggestedRay Bradbury readings). Trento, For more information: www.cultura.trentino.it/Appuntamenti/La-memoria-nel-ghiaccio.-Archeologia-della-Grande-Guerra-a-Punta-Linke, 6 October 2022April 6, 2023 Auckland Museum Copenhagen, For more information: en.natmus.dk/museums-and-palaces/the-national-museum-of-denmark/exhibitions/join-the-vikings-on-raid/, Power and gold Vikings in the east 2022 until February 26, 2023. For fans of documentaries on the Discovery, History and National Geographic channels, some of the hows, whys and wheres have been answered, too. Tampa Museum of Art Please note: Antiques Roadshow will film live from the North Carolina Museum of Art on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. I'm a Pauley Perrette fan. Sign up to unlock our digital magazines and also receive the latest news, events, offers and partner promotions. Mummies of the World is an amazing exhibit currently at the Leonardo through March 6. Colori dei Romani. Explore, play and adventure at flutter, the top-rated multisensory art experience in America. Seoul, For more information: www.sac.or.kr/site/eng/show/show_view?SN=46441#non, For more information: www.aucklandmuseum.com/visit/exhibitions/secrets-of-stonehenge, Teece Museum of Classical Antiquities Heerlen, For more information: www.thermenmuseum.nl/en/things-to-do-and-see/experience-400-years-of-roman-bathing/, Goud uit het Springendal Pennsylvania, For more information: www.penn.museum/on-view/galleries-exhibitions/ancient-food-flavor, Peace and War: The Assyrian Conquest of Lachish, 30 January 202328 April 2023 (Covagonga 722-2022. A new section, Digital/Online Exhibitions, now appears at the end. Rome, Il Dono di Thot: leggere lantico Egitto Tampa Museum of Art Many of the tests CT scans, X-rays, radio carbon dating, MRI, mass spectrometry, isotope analysis and DNA tests were conducted as the mummies were being readied for shipment, Perlov said. Astra Lumina is the latest mind-bending experience from world-renowned multimedia studio Moment Factory. Heaks eluks vajalikud asjad Einstein Museum Jewellery, sculptures and ritual objects join what is thought to be the oldest glove on earth, and the world's oldest trumpet. 101. San Antonio, TX Museum of Civilization Jerusalem La Sucriere, Tempora The festive flicks continue to pick up as Halloween approaches, with plenty of chances to seeHocus Pocus,Get Out,Halloween,Coco andBeetlejuice, among others. For more information: www.flyoverzone.com/, For more information: hellenic.org.au/heroes-and-hoplites, 2023 Archaeological Institute of America, https://www.mfa.org/exhibition/cy-twombly-making-past-present, www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2021/good-life-collecting-late-antique-art, www.getty.edu/visit/exhibitions/future.html, press.philamuseum.org/upcoming-exhibitions-through-spring-2023/, www.fieldmuseum.org/exhibitions/first-kings-europe, www.metmuseum.org/press/exhibitions/2022/chroma, risdmuseum.org/exhibitions-events/exhibitions/being-and-believing-natural-world, https://www.getty.edu/visit/exhibitions/future.html, https://www.samuseum.org/artwork/exhibition/a-roman-portrait-from-germany-in-texas/, https://www.samuseum.org/artwork/exhibition/romanlandscapes/, https://www.mountathosfoundation.org/exhibition/, whatson.cmog.org/exhibitions-galleries/dig-deeper-discovering-ancient-glass-workshop, harvardartmuseums.org/exhibitions/6242/a-world-within-reach-greek-and-roman-art-from-the-loeb-collection, www.msichicago.org/explore/whats-here/exhibits/pompeii/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=New+Exhibition+Alert%21&utm_campaign=Email-General-Pompeii-December-28-2022, lsc.org/explore/exhibitions/pompeii-immortal-city, asia.si.edu/exhibition/a-collectors-eye-freer-in-egypt/, tampamuseum.org/life-death-in-the-ancient-world/, /www.denverartmuseum.org/en/exhibitions/from-chaos-to-order, www.clevelandart.org/exhibitions/egyptomania-fashions-conflicted-obsession, carlos.emory.edu/exhibition/life-and-afterlife, www.penn.museum/on-view/galleries-exhibitions/ancient-food-flavor, www.southern.edu/administration/archaeology/museum/current_exhibition.html?__hstc=57918837.28672951d504203ef2f3489740c29cfd.1631629261786.1636643794345.1636666876316.55&__hssc=57918837.10.1636666876316&__hsfp=3537442245, www.frostscience.org/exhibition/mummies-of-the-world/, www.hmns.org/exhibits/special-exhibitions/king-tuts-tomb-discovery-experience/, www.bowdoin.edu/art-museum/exhibitions/2023/figures-fire.html, high.org/exhibition/ancient-nubia-art-of-the-25th-dynasty-from-the-collection-of-the-museum-of-fine-arts-boston/, www.mcq.org/en/exposition?id=917540&intcid=ban|accueil|carousel|Time_of_Pharaohs|httpswwwmcqorgenexpositionid917540, www.khm.at/en/visit/exhibitions/vitrine-extra/, www.tiroler-landesmuseen.at/ausstellung/geld-macht-geschichte/, www.onb.ac.at/museen/papyrusmuseum/sonderausstellungen/halbmond-ueber-dem-nil-wie-aus-dem-byzantinischen-das-arabische-aegypten-wurde, www.museabrugge.be/kalender/tentoonstellingen/brugge-in-het-jaar-1000, www.artandhistory.museum/en/expedition-egypt, www.amz.hr/hr/izlozbe/izlozbe-u-gostima/izlozba-segestika-i-siscija-gostuje-u-arheoloskom-muzeju-osijek/, en.natmus.dk/museums-and-palaces/the-national-museum-of-denmark/exhibitions/join-the-vikings-on-raid/, www.vejlemuseerne.dk/udstillinger/magt-og-guld/power-and-gold/, www.moesgaardmuseum.dk/udstillinger/ud-af-kaos/, tartu.ee/et/uudised/tartu-ulikooli-kunstimuuseum-avab-naituse-eestis-asuvatest-iidsete-kultuuride-esemetest, www.alexandria-urban-imaginaries.eu/exhibition/, www.mucem.org/programme/exposition-et-temps-forts/le-grand-mezze, lugdunum.grandlyon.com/fr/agenda/evenements/spectaculaire-!-le-divertissement-chez-les-romains, museedesconfluences.fr/fr/expositions/expositions-temporaires/magique, www.louvrelens.fr/exhibition/animaux-fantastiques-2/, www.musee-rodin.fr/musee/expositions/reve-degypte, musee-archeologienationale.fr/actualite/le-monde-de-clovis-lexposition-dont-vous-etes-le-heros, musees.isere.fr/expo/musee-dauphinois-egyptomania-la-collection-jean-marcel-humbert?musee=34, musee-prehistoire-eyzies.fr/actualite/oxydes-couleurs-metaux, lavillette.com/programmation/ramses_e1660, www.smb.museum/fileadmin/website/Museen_und_Sammlungen/Bode_Museum/Ausstellungen/Der_zweite_Blick/Frauen/Bode-Museum-Der-Zweite-Blick-Frauen-Katalog-en-MedRes.pdf, www.smb.museum/en/museums-institutions/bode-museum/exhibitions/the-second-glance/women/, www.smb.museum/en/museums-institutions/neues-museum/exhibitions/detail/adventures-on-the-nile/, www.archaeologisches-museum-frankfurt.de/de/ausstellungen/mysterium-mithras-annaeherungen-an-einen-roemischen-kult, www.antike-am-koenigsplatz.mwn.de/index.php/de/jevents-alle-kategorien/Eventdetail/294/-/neues-licht-aus-pompeji, www.smb.museum/en/exhibitions/detail/in-the-land-of-1000-cities/, cycladic.gr/en/page/girismos-kikladiki-thisauri-sto-taxidi-tis-epistrofis, www.centralemontemartini.org/it/mostra-evento/colori-dei-romani-i-mosaici-dalle-collezioni-capitoline, www.museibologna.it/archeologico/articoli/50081/offset/0/id/105140, www.bnpparibas.it/it/2019/07/09/palazzo-altemps-cinque-sculture-della-collezione-di-bnl-gruppo-bnp-paribas/, pompeiisites.org/mostre/arte-e-sensualita-nelle-case-di-pompei/, museicapitolini.org/en/mostra-evento/leredit-di-cesare-e-la-conquista-del-tempo, museonazionaleromano.beniculturali.it/2022/06/nasce-il-museo-dellarte-salvata/, www.museoarcheologicomilano.it/-/il-suono-oltre-l-immagine, museoarcheologico.comune.verona.it/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=83123, www.museoegizio.it/en/explore/exhibitions/thoths-gift-reading-ancient-egypt/, www.museicapitolini.org/it/mostra-evento/la-roma-della-repubblica-il-racconto-dell-archeologia, www.museodelterritorio.biella.it/da-taaset-a-tutankhamon-la-mostra-a-biella-fino-al-30-aprile-2023, web.uniroma1.it/mvoem/news/la-mummia-di-ramses-il-faraone-immortale, www.cultura.trentino.it/Appuntamenti/La-memoria-nel-ghiaccio.-Archeologia-della-Grande-Guerra-a-Punta-Linke, www.huntmuseum.com/whats-on/made-of-earth/, chesterbeatty.ie/exhibitions/first-fragments/, rmo.nl/en/exhibitions/temporary-exhibitions/expected-we-were-kings/, rmo.nl/tentoonstellingen/tijdelijke-tentoonstellingen/5000-jaar-kralen/, drentsmuseum.nl/nl/tentoonstellingen/sterven-schoonheid, www.rmo.nl/en/exhibitions/temporary-exhibitions/byblos/, www.thermenmuseum.nl/en/things-to-do-and-see/experience-400-years-of-roman-bathing/, www.rmo.nl/tentoonstellingen/tijdelijke-tentoonstellingen/goud-uit-het-springendal/, www.hermitagemuseum.org/wps/portal/hermitage/what-s-on/temp_exh/2022/egyptomany/?lng=en, www.britishmuseum.org/exhibitions/egyptian-mummies-exploring-ancient-lives. Museum of Science and Industry Find more incredible exhibitions in Los Angeles here. But LACMA is putting together a proper retrospective of the influential artist: The videos, large-scale vinyl wraps and audio soundscapes on display in this campus-wide presentation span four decades. Archaeological Museum of Asturias ", All "egyptian museum" results in Los Angeles, California, Young America's Foundation - Reagan Ranch Center. 11 art exhibitions in L.A. to look forward to in 2022 Including ones that feature a major fashion designer, a local muralist and overlooked filmmakers. Museum of Cycladic Art Speakers on Stage at Africon 2022. Turin, For more information: www.museoegizio.it/en/explore/exhibitions/thoths-gift-reading-ancient-egypt/, La Roma della Repubblica. "One theory is that in order to reach the afterlife, you have to be a complete body. Catalogue: Muse des civilisations de lEurope et de la Mditerrane. Born-digital exhibitions will be added here and maintained as long as the exhibitions continue to remain online. In the first major exhibition for the celebrated South African artist in two decades, William Kentridge will be presenting his first monograph at The Broad with over 130 works presented in an engaging and interactive design by Belgian designer Sabine Theunissen. TheOld Zoo tradition, which has been running for well over a decade now,centers on a relatively lengthy hayride, which runs on select nights from September 23 to October 31. Telling stories about L.A. and the world. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Money Makes History. The Obama portraits will have left by the beginning of the year, but the vibrant and vital Black American Portraitsis still on display at LACMA into April. Ulysses Jenkins: Without Your InterpretationHammer Museum, Feb 6May 15. (From beginning to end. 224. The Orlovits family was with a group of mummies found in 1994 in a forgotten church crypt in Vac, Hungary. (The World Of Clovis, The Exhibition Of Which You Are The Hero), 22 October 202222 May 2023 The immersive adventure will show you how to tap into your own power as you and your friends make your way through 1980s Hawkins and beyond. Attendees & Exhibitors may . Explore your world past and present. "It's clearly got some kind of meaning and it had a purpose I'm willing to bet," said Gill-Frerking. This exhibit is a fascinating journey into The Jurassic and will leave audiences of all ages in awe. Gulp. Merida, For more information: www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/mnromano/actividades/agenda/2022/expo-spectacula.html, Covagonga 722-2022. The University of Queensland Bonus: Three of 2021s best art exhibitions. On weekends, look out for additional festive entertainment and activities. Ancient lives, eternal gold. Where specifically are you located? Get your tickets here and get ready to wander the planet with the giants of the past, William Kentridge: In Praise Of Shadows At The Broad. Rijksmuseum (The Creators of Eternal Egypt Scribes, Artisans, and Laborers in the Service of the Pharaoh), 22 December 20227 May 2023 Bode-Museum The Hunt Museum The best Halloween events in L.A. this year, Photograph: Courtesy Kelly Lee Barrett/Cinespia, Photograph: Courtesy Eric Scire/Rooftop Cinema Club, Photograph: Courtesy Street Food Cinema/Dennis Driscoll, Plus some family-friendly Halloween events, Photograph: TonelsonProductions / Shutterstock.com, Photograph: Courtesy Stephenie Pashkowsky, Photograph: Courtesy SkyPark at Santas Village. Wallsend, For more information: segedunumromanfort.org.uk/whats-on/building-the-wall, 8 April 2023 29 October 2023 J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Villa Los Angeles, CA 90007, The Natural History Museumis part of the Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County. "Mummies of the World Exhibition" - Los Angeles Closing End of November Opened 28 January 2023 17 March 202318 June 2023 La Caixa Forum Amber Benson, the Witches of Echo Park novelist and a mid-series regular on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, has once again curated aguide to five castles and cottages, spread out between Tujunga and Beverly Hills. Verona, For more information:museoarcheologico.comune.verona.it/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=83123, Ongoing (Animals of the ancient world: an exhibition at the Archaeological Museum of the Roman Theater), 22 October20221 October 2023 Talk. J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Villa RECOMMENDED: See more of Halloween in L.A. London, More information: www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2022/feb/new-exhibition-set-bring-tutankhamuns-childhood-life, Women and hieroglyphs: Teaching ancient languages at UCL, 27 September 202227 May 2023 Luxor Museum The Getty Villa Lyon, For more information: museedesconfluences.fr/fr/expositions/expositions-temporaires/magique, Toutankhamon A la decouverte du Pharaon oublie Whether its the unmistakable L.A. sunsets lighting up Hollywood films, the mind-bending installations in a neighboring desert, or the epically-scaled events that blur the line between reality and hit shows, theres no denying that Los Angeles has a thriving cultural scene. Quebec City, For more information: www.mcq.org/en/exposition?id=917540&intcid=ban|accueil|carousel|Time_of_Pharaohs|httpswwwmcqorgenexpositionid917540, In 80 Mnzen um die Welt 60. Via Sant'Apollinare, 8 - 00186 March 6-July 11, 2021. Hauntoween will celebrate spooky season with a Woodland Hills walkthrough that featurestons of pumpkins, a trick-or-treatingfilled town and an illuminated carnival, plus face painting, performances, games and food trucks. For more information:www.mucem.org/programme/exposition-et-temps-forts/le-grand-mezze, Mommies. Friends of Residential Treasures: Los Angeles is back with another map of storybook-style homes. Ashmolean Museum Lugdunum Museum Maybe. Tampa, For more information: tampamuseum.org/upcoming-exhibitions/, 16 April 2023 30 July 2023 Berlin, Catalogue: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Among the 70 items on display, other imaginary maps include Lewis Carrolls 1876 edition of The Hunting of the Snark, Robert Louis Stevensons maps from Treasure Island and Kidnapped and Octavia E. Butlers maps from notes for Parable of the Talents. Ohio, Opens 27 May 2023 Pp. Milan, For more information: www.museoarcheologicomilano.it/-/il-suono-oltre-l-immagine, "Animali nel mondo antico": mostra al Museo Archeologico al Teatro Romano